Scene groups (Collections are not sufficient)

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Collections are not behaving like expected.
I want to make a show with a cue list with 60 steps i can manually fade through in the virtual console (with blend / cross mode)
I want that every step is a scene or a combination of scenes ("scene groups").

for example step1 = Walls blue, front lights on, back lights off, follow spot 50%..
step 2 = Walls Green, Floor lights Blue, front lights off, back lights blue..

For every step, i want to pick the right "ingredients" and put them in a "scene group."
In my chaser, i can then add scenes or "scene groups".

This gives me the flexibility of changing an "ingredient" (a single scene). Then every group that contains this "ingredient" changes automatically.
For example if i want to change the blue i use to a more "dark blue" color, i just need to edit the "walls blue" scene and then all the steps in my cue list that are using this "dark blue" scene are changed automatically.
Posts: 1276
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

What is the problem with collections here? I suppose they are made exactly for this purpose.
Make scenes "walls blue", "front lights on", etc. include only relevant channels.
Create collection for each step that includes all the needed scenes.
Put the collections in the chaser.

It is cumbersome, but it should work. If it doesn't please tell us what exactly does not work so we can fix it.


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Collections are not working well when putting them in a cue list and manually fade them with crossfade / blend mode.
When they have a timer on them and the cue lists plays automatically, the cue list containing collections is working fine.
I already posted this in the thread below (including youtube videos showing the problem)

Someone in this thread told me that this behaviour is not a bug but it's the way collections work.
So if this is the way how collections work, than maybe i'll prefer a new feature called "scene groups" that are behaving more intuitive in manual cue list mode with crossfade/blend.
Posts: 1276
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

Ok I see. I wasn't aware of the other thread.
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