[resolved] steps to compile on arm64

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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:39 pm
Real Name: JannF

Hey, I'd like to ask if an arm64 package would be possible?
I own several arm64 boards and it would be great to use QLC+ on the Pinebook or Chromebook as well.
A donation only version like with the RasPi would be ok too.

Last edited by Kellerkind on Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sorry but no.

You need to consider that this project is basically carried on in my spare time (evenings and weekends)
Therefore I don't physically have time to cover every possible usage in the world, and the questions I need to answer to decide what has the priority are like these:
- what is the most used ARM board ? Raspberry Pi
- what is the most used Linux distribution ? Ubuntu
- what is the most used operating system ? Windows
- etc..

Anyway, building QLC+ from sources on Linux is fairly easy and if you have a decent ARM board, the build process could take 15-30 minutes.
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I understand this, I also tried to build it for arm64, but the build failed.
I will try it again and try to resolve the error, maybe I can contribute arm64 ubuntu packages soon :)
If the Raspberry Raspbian will be retargeted to arm64 too, this would of course make sense ;)

Oh and not to forget, thank you very much for your great work!
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So I figured out to not treat warnings as errors and compiled it successfully on my pinebook.

All you have to do is to comment out the following in variables.pri:

I'll see if this breaks things.

Also, did you plan on using arm64 for RPi 2 v1.3/RPi 3 ?
Using arm64 should boost performance for the RPi even more.
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just want to share my packaged version here
(right cick - save as)
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Hi @Kellerkind

It looks like the link to your Arm64 deb file has broken.

Is there any chance you can take a look at it?

I'd really like to run QLCplus on a 64 bit Arm based Odroid C2.

In the mean time, I'll try to follow your thread and work out how to compile a deb.

Many thanks,


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or what's missing but the compile seems to fail forwards the end, with errors like ---

"Unable to connect to display"

"Fixture.cpp test failed"

If I run the code without compiling to a Deb file, it seems happy, with the exception that the web interface only shows the universe drop down on the simple mixer.
The virtual console page remains blank, regardless of what I create.
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